I read an article the other day that said there are millions more bacteria and viruses trapped in the average square inch of carpet than there are on the average toilet seat...even if the carpet is regularly vacuumed.
Then I got to thinking about gyms I have frequented in the past. Many of them were carpeted. Can you imagine the new alien life forms that must have been growing in those carpets? Makes me sick just thinking about it.
That's why I appreciate, and I think we all should appreciate, the efforts of our Cross Fit Run-A-Muck owner/operator, Josh. Josh, and often his sweetheart, Celeste, clean and disinfect our gym every single day it is open. And it's a huge job! It's like mopping two gymnasium floors!
Many gyms hire cleaning services that come in once a week to clean after hours. There's usually no one there to supervise, so who knows what kind of job they're doing?
Knowing what I know now, if I were looking for a gym or fitness center, one of the first
questions I'd ask would be about cleaning protocols. How often is the
gym cleaned. Who cleans it? Who supervises? What protocols and
products are used? Is the gym carpeted and if so, why?
Josh and Celeste are thorough. I've watched them work. They use the same cleaning formula and protocol that is used at the local jail. It's serious stuff, folks. And it's a big job. Not only do they mop both big floors, they wipe down all the equipment with the same antiseptic. It takes awhile!
And you can tell. This gym is clean. It looks clean, feels clean and smells clean, unlike many other fitness facilities.
So, here's a shout out to Josh for keeping it real and keeping us all safe and healthy! He is the consummate professional...not only in his knowledge of exercise science, but in his work ethic as a business owner.
Thanks, Josh!
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