Wednesday, September 7, 2016

     I call this exercise my Hugger Mugger exercise.
     Of course, that's not the actual name.  I can't remember what it's called...some kind of "cross-over" something or other.  It's a great exercise for upper body strength.  It's also great for posture. 
     Six decades of gravity tend to make me want to slouch.  Slouching is not good.  When we slouch, we don't get nice full breaths of air in our lungs, our digestive system can't work efficiently and our center of balance is off. 
     One thing I've learned about strength training is that it's not just about being able to pick up heavy things.  It's about being able to move this heavy thing my soul is housed in a little better. 
     I've got a lot of MASS to haul around.  If I let my muscles get weak, then just hauling my MASS around all day will wear me out.  My MASS will be draggin'!  If I continue to get weaker and weaker since I can't haul my MASS around, I'll eventually end up in a wheel chair and somebody else will have to haul my MASS around for me.  And we all know what happens next, don't we?  My MASS is GRASS!
     So...I do my Hugger Mugger exercise on my "Upper Body Days".   I also do arm curls (15 lb dumbells if you can believe that!)  That way if I fall, I CAN get up!  And I work out on the Pec Deck ("We MUST...We MUST...We MUST INCREASE OUR BUST!")...I remember that little saying from my college days.  I also remember, "Don't Bogart that joint, my friend"...but, that's another story.
     Anyway, my Hugger Mugger muscles are in pretty good shape and improving all the time.  So, if you're down and depressed  and you need a hug.....I'M YOUR MASS!